
Autor: Lonergan, Bernard J.F.

Buch: Topics in Education

Titel: Topics in Education

Stichwort: Entwicklung; Newman (Beispiel: Matrose);

Kurzinhalt: development: the orientation of one's living, of one's concern; it eliminates previous evils by finding a higher integration

Textausschnitt: ... Development depends upon, and is measured by, not so much the external objects with respect to which one operates as the organization of one's operations, their reach, their implications, the orientation of one's living, of one's concern. Development retains all that was had before and adds to it, and it can add to it enormously. It eliminates previous evils by finding a higher integration in which the problems solve themselves. It finds this higher integration by working, not at the periphery but at the root, at the Sorge, at the concern, and by effecting the shift from the concern that is all too human to the spiritual aspiration of man that has its fundamental and first appearance in the pure desire to know that grounds the intellectual pattern of experience and sets the standards for one's morality. (91f; Fs) (notabene)


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