
Autor: Voegelin, Eric

Buch: Israel and Revelation

Titel: Israel and Revelation

Stichwort: Dekalog; Unterteilung

Kurzinhalt: Jahwist, Elohist; die verschiedenen Dekaloge

Textausschnitt: ... The complete decalogue consists of the following passages: 20: 23-26; 22:29-30; 23:10-19. For purposes of identification we shall call this further decalogue the second Elohist Decalogue. (330; Fs)
... The existence of such widely differing versions of what purports to be the original ten "words of Yahweh" raises the issue of a decalogic form that could be filled with varying contents. We assume (for nothing can be proven in the matter) that the decalogue had been devised originally as a form that would accommodate the essentials of Yahwist order in a series of points easily countable by the fingers. And such a form, once it had been created, could be used to accommodate "words" on various levels of concretization. Rules concerning the cult or the calendar of festivals, rules concerning the Yahwist order under changing economic and social conditions, rules governing specific subject matters of civil or criminal law, and so forthall of them were potential material to be cast in decalogic form, if the desire for systematic collection should arise. And if the form was actually used for the purpose, a series of decalogues would then form a code of legal rules in the spirit of the original, theopolitical Decalogue. (330f; Fs) (notabene)
But we shall not venture into these areas of controversy. For our purpose the clearly recognizable decalogues are sufficient to allow the conclusion that a corpus of mishpatim, organized by subject matter in decalogues, had been assembled by some priestly group in the ninth century.


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