
Autor: Voegelin, Eric

Buch: Israel and Revelation

Titel: Israel and Revelation

Stichwort: die imperiale Ordnung, David als Mittler ähnlich einem ägyptischen Pharao

Kurzinhalt: Amalgam von der Ordnung Israels mit kosmologischen Symbolen; Psalm 2, 19; Yahweh had become the summus deus of a cosmological empire, while Israel had merged into an empire people under a Pharaonic mediator from the house of David

Textausschnitt: 85/9 The symbolism of the imperial order is an amalgamate of Yahwist with cosmological symbols drawn from the Canaanite environment, as well as from the neighboring imperial orders. With regard to the principal source of Israelite imperial institutions, liturgies, and coronation rituals, opinions are shifting, parallel with the increasing knowledge of the surrounding civilizations, from Babylonian and Egyptian to Ugaritic. More recently the understandable enthusiasm for Ugaritic sources has encountered the warning of Gray:
96/9 While the assignment of precise dates to the single Psalms is impossible except in rare instances, the general assumption will be justified that the time of the imperial Yahweh was a period of heightened receptiveness for the hymn literature of the neighboring imperial civilizations. The results of the foreign influences were sometimes unusual. Psalm 19, for instance,
97/9 Yahweh had become the summus deus of a cosmological empire, while Israel had merged into an empire people under a Pharaonic mediator from the house of David.


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