
Autor: Flanagan, Josef

Buch: Quest for Self-Knowledge

Titel: Quest for Self-Knowledge

Stichwort: Notion des Seins; Frage, Entstehung

Kurzinhalt: Die Frage nach dem Sein als Frage nach dem Wesen der Frage

Textausschnitt: And such an absolute yes or no is what we are seeking. To know what actually is has been our objective right from the first question. It was the desire to know that initiated and sustained the process through the successive steps until the final term was achieved. Because what actually is cannot be known by sensing alone, nor by understanding alone, nor by judging alone, but only by and through the tripartite structure of correct knowing.

() We are trying to appropriate what is the nature of wondering itself. We are asking what we are doing when we are questioning, not in this or that pattern of knowing, but in any pattern of knowing.


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