
Autor: Lonergan, Bernard J.F.

Buch: Topics in Education

Titel: Topics in Education

Stichwort: das menschliche Gute - Zusammenfassung: Wahl und Verstehen

Kurzinhalt: 2.9 The General Notion of the Human Good; The good is human insofar as it is realized through human apprehension and choice;

Textausschnitt: 16/2 Now, while most of my illustrations thus far have been from the human good, we have not yet attended to what is specific in the human good. The good is human insofar as it is realized through human apprehension and choice. Without human apprehension and choice we would not exist - we are children of our parents. We would not have our cities, and so on. Everything in human life that we know about, apart from 'the forest primeval, the murmuring pines and the hemlocks' depends upon human apprehension and choice. That is the distinctive feature of the human good - it is what comes out of human apprehension and choice. Furthermore, human apprehension develops, so that one age understands things better and knows more than the preceding age; and human choice is good or evil; and so the human good is a history, a cumulative process where there is both advance of apprehension, and distortion, aberration, due to evil. (32; Fs)


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