Autor: Voegelin, Eric Buch: Israel and Revelation Titel: Israel and Revelation Stichwort: Deutsche Gelehrte gegen Mythisierung; von Rad, Kraus, Alt Kurzinhalt: that another, specifically Israelite cult dominated the order; the cult-functional method was thus used by von Rad to show the existence of a cult which had its place in the context of the Sinaitic revelation Textausschnitt: 68/9 In order to answer this question in the negative, it had first to be shown that an orbit of historical form existed indeed in the cult of Israel; that the cosmological symbolism was not as pervasive in the cult of the monarchy as the Scandinavian accents made it look; but that another, specifically Israelite cult dominated the order. And the existence of such a cult was proven with a high degree of probability indeed by the studies of Gerhard von Rad, when he demonstrated the character of the Sinai pericope (Exod. 19-24) as a cult legend and, furthermore, showed that its form was used in the construction of Deuteronomy. Moreover, Psalms 50 and 81 were found to contain elements (the Sinaitic appearance of Yahweh, the pronouncement of the Decalogue) that would be explained best by the assumption of a "Covenant Festival" at which Psalms of this type had a cultic function. Mowinckel's cult-functional method was thus used by von Rad to show the existence of a cult which had its place not in the ritual re-creation of cosmic order, divine and royal, but in the context of the Sinaitic revelation. (293f; Fs) |