
Autor: Voegelin, Eric

Buch: Israel and Revelation

Titel: Israel and Revelation

Stichwort: berith, Bund als Struktur der Geschichte; Mathäus

Kurzinhalt: covenant: it is justifiable to speak of a conscious speculation on periods of history: from Adam to Noah ...

Textausschnitt: ... In a similar manner we find at the institutional basis in the case of the berith, the federal agreements between nomad clans and between nomads and agricultural settled groups, and in alliances in foreign relations. The form of the berith then is employed for symbolizing the relation between Yahweh and Israel, as it was established at Mount Sinai. And on the Great Berith that constitutes the Israelite historical present, finally, is superimposed the use of the symbol for historiographic purposes.
In a similar manner we find at the institutional basis in the case of the berith, the federal agreements between nomad clans and between nomads and agricultural settled groups, and in alliances in foreign relations. The form of the berith then is employed for symbolizing the relation between Yahweh and Israel, as it was established at Mount Sinai. And on the Great Berith that constitutes the Israelite historical present, finally, is superimposed the use of the symbol for historiographic purposes.
49/6 In view of the superimposition of the covenant symbol on the historical narrative, with its accentuation of the epochs, it is justifiable to speak of a conscious speculation on periods of history. There are the four periods already mentioned, from Adam to Noah, from Noah to Abraham, from Abraham to Moses, and from Moses onward.
The berith and the toldoth were both used for the symbolization of the historical periods. If there should be any doubt about the speculative intention as the primary motive in the arrangement of the narrative, it will be dispelled by the use that was still made of this symbolism in early Christian historiography. For the Gospel of St. Matthew ...


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