Autor: Voegelin, Eric Buch: Israel and Revelation Titel: Israel and Revelation Stichwort: Psalm 136; Weltgeschichte; Erschaffung der Welt als erster Akt der Geschichte Kurzinhalt: To this conception the term "worldhistory" can be applied in the pregnant sense of a process that is worldcreation and history at the same time Textausschnitt: The drama of divine creation moves through the three great acts: the creation of the world, the rescue from Egypt, and the conquest of Canaan. Each of the three acts wrests meaning from the meaningless: the world emerges from Nothing, Israel from the Sheol of Egypt, and the promised land from the Desert. The acts thus interpret one another as works of divine creation and as the historical stages in which a realm of meaning grows: In history God continues his work of creation, and the creation of the world is the first event in history. To this conception the term "worldhistory" can be applied in the pregnant sense of a process that is worldcreation and history at the same time. ____________________________ |