
Autor: Flanagan, Josef

Buch: Quest for Self-Knowledge

Titel: Quest for Self-Knowledge

Stichwort: Urteil; das bewusste Unbekannte 2. Grades

Kurzinhalt: Ist das so?; Wissen als Einheit dreier Prozesse; Gerichtsurteil als Metapher

Textausschnitt: () You may think you have a brilliant idea, but spontaneously you find yourself wondering, Is it so? Once this critical wondering begins, then your idea is transformed into a conditional idea that may or may not be true. Second the question, Is it so?, is a normative orienting that directs you toward a judgment that you have not yet judged.

() Thus your desire to question spontaneously takes you, first, beyond sensible experiences into the field of intelligible experiences and, second, beyond possibly intelligible experiences into the field of actually intelligible experiences.

() Knowing is not a simple activity. It is an activity composed of three different levels of activities ... The first level of outer or inner sensible experiences is, not knowing, but only a part of knowing. Similarly, the second level of understanding is, not knowing, but only a part. Only third-level judging completes the process of knowing, embracing all three levels, uniting them into the single structured activity that we name 'knowing.'

() Among the metaphors for making good judgments, the one of 'weighing the evidence' seems especially helpful in clarifying what causes judging.


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