
Autor: Flanagan, Josef

Buch: Quest for Self-Knowledge

Titel: Quest for Self-Knowledge

Stichwort: Ding; Erfahrung, Tier

Kurzinhalt: Die Erfahrungsweise der Tiere; Extrovertiertheit

Textausschnitt: () In other words, animals experience the world about them within their own conscious, spatiotemporal frames which are oriented according to their changing biological needs. Just as questions orient human knowers toward a field of intelligibly unknown objects, so too biological drives orient sensing animals toward a field of biologically satisfying objects. Animals are basically extroverts.

() Animals do not have epistemological problems. They have a very successful 'sense' of reality, but they do not have an understanding of reality. Therefore, they do not mediate their immediate field of objects through questions and answers that cause human knowers to wonder if they have or have not correctly mediated the intelligibility of the sensible world.


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