
Autor: Flanagan, Josef

Buch: Quest for Self-Knowledge

Titel: Quest for Self-Knowledge

Stichwort: Ding, "konkret"; Definition

Kurzinhalt: "konkret": partikulär u. umfassend; einzeln und allgemein; eines und vieles; Akzidentien; traditionelle Terminologie, Schwierigkeit; Wesen als heuristische Struktur; Madame Bovary - Baum

Textausschnitt: () ... defining a thing as a concrete, individual existing unity considered in the totality of its parts or predicates. The 'concrete' is particular and comprehensive; it is singular and universal. And the reason why the concrete is particular and general is because that is the way things are; any concrete, existing thing is 'one and many,' one in itself and many in its correlations with other things.

() For example, it is a mistake to think that we know the essences of trees; the essence is what we anticipate knowing when we know all that there is to be known about trees. Heuristic definitions and heuristic methods of science avoid this mistake. Translating this language into explanatory terms, we may say that trees exist in and through their present organic schemes of recurrence. These recurring schemes (parts) do not exist; they occur and recur according to a schedule of probabilities of emergence and survival. Things are the concrete, dynamic identities that perdure or subsist in these recurring schemes of changes.

() ... Madame Bovary -> 75/4 -77/4


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