Autor: Flanagan, Josef Buch: Quest for Self-Knowledge Titel: Quest for Self-Knowledge Stichwort: Ding, "konkret"; Definition Kurzinhalt: "konkret": partikulär u. umfassend; einzeln und allgemein; eines und vieles; Akzidentien; traditionelle Terminologie, Schwierigkeit; Wesen als heuristische Struktur; Madame Bovary - Baum Textausschnitt: () ... defining a thing as a concrete, individual existing unity considered in the totality of its parts or predicates. The 'concrete' is particular and comprehensive; it is singular and universal. And the reason why the concrete is particular and general is because that is the way things are; any concrete, existing thing is 'one and many,' one in itself and many in its correlations with other things. |