
Autor: Flanagan, Josef

Buch: Quest for Self-Knowledge

Titel: Quest for Self-Knowledge

Stichwort: Eddington, 2 Tische; Baum

Kurzinhalt: Beispiel: Sonnen-, Erdzentriertheit; Baum als Objekt des common-sense, des klassischen, statistischen und genetischen Biologen; Umkehr in der Biologie

Textausschnitt: () ... the ordinary common-sense table and the explanatory table of contemporary science. There are not two tables, but one. Just as the solar-centered world of Copernicus and the geocentered world of common sense are not two worlds ...

() ... present biological studies have begun to reverse the way biologists originally began to study trees. Earlier studies began from the external descriptive properties and raised questions about internal activities; contemporary scientists begin from biochemical and biophysical studies that are able in limited ways to explain why the external properties of biological things are the way they are.


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