Autor: Lonergan, Bernard J.F. Buch: Verbum: Word and Idea in Aquinas Titel: Verbum: Word and Idea in Aquinas Stichwort: Form, species: in der 2-fachen Bedeutung in Übereinstimmung mit Lehre und Einsicht Kurzinhalt: Beispiel: Wille aktuiert als Habitus setzt noch nicht den Willensakt zum Ziel; operatio mehr als Form; processio operationis u. p. operati; so wie die Form nicht Wirkursache des Seins ist, so die species WU des intelligere Textausschnitt: 220 It may not be out of place to note how exactly this fits in both with general doctrine and with intellectual theory. It is in accord with the general doctrine that the efficient cause not merely produces the form but also produces the movement consequent to the form1 that what produces the species should also produce the consequent intelligere. It is in accord with the general doctrine that form is less perfect than operation2 and so not its proportionate cause, that the species should not move intellect to the act intelligere. It is in accord with the general doctrine 'quidquid movetur ab alio movetur'3 that intellect actuated by species should not produce its acts of understanding, just as the will actuated by a habit does not produce its act of willing the end; on the other hand, just as will actually willing the end moves itself to willing the means4 so intellect actually understanding is able to utter, constitute, produce its inner word of definition or judgment. (137; Fs) |