
Autor: Lonergan, Bernard J.F.

Buch: Verbum: Word and Idea in Aquinas

Titel: Verbum: Word and Idea in Aquinas

Stichwort: processio bei Thomas: processio operationis, processio operati

Kurzinhalt: verschiedene Formulierung von processio bei Thomas; Unterschied zw. Wille und Verstand

Textausschnitt: Is there any notable significance to be attached to the foregoing variations? I do not think so. In all cases the same term is reached, namely, opposed relations of origin.
On the contrary, it seems a plain matter of fact that for Aquinas the second procession grounding real relations is not the procession of the act of love from the will, nor the procession of something else from the act of love within the will, but the procession in the will of the act of love from the inner word in the intellect. Advertence to this repeatedly affirmed dependence of love on inner word puts an end, very simply and very clearly, I think, to an exceptional amount of labored interpretation.


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