
Autor: Flanagan, Josef

Buch: Quest for Self-Knowledge

Titel: Quest for Self-Knowledge

Stichwort: Weltordnung; Aristoteles, Galileo; Determinismus, Uhr

Kurzinhalt: Aristoteles: Schnittstelle zw. Notwendigkeit und kontingentem: Himmelsbewegungen - irdische Bewegungen; Naturgesetz; Notwendigkeit auf der Erde, Möglichkeit für Wahrscheinlichkeit

Textausschnitt: In Aristotle's world-order, the fundamental contrast was between the necessary celestial movements of the sun, moon, and stars and the 'accidental' movements of terrestrial things. Further, Aristotle's notion of science as 'a search for certain knowledge of necessary causes' prevented him from developing a science of the contingent ...

() Once classical laws were first discovered by Galileo and their abstract nature was understood, the possibility of statistical laws and schemes of recurrence became possible and a new world-order, in terms of a conditioned series of schemes unfolding according to changing probabilities of emergence and survival could be constructed.


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