
Autor: Lonergan, Bernard J.F.

Buch: Verbum: Word and Idea in Aquinas

Titel: Verbum: Word and Idea in Aquinas

Stichwort: Urteil: material und formal, zweifache Quelle: Sinn, intelletktuelles Licht; 'ratio terminatur ad intellectum'

Kurzinhalt: materially from developing insight (which unites distinct intelligibilities into single intelligibilities); formally from a reflective activity of reason

Textausschnitt: Judgment, then, may be described as resulting remotely and, as it were, materially from developing insight, which unites distinct intelligibilities into single intelligibilities, but proximately and, as it were, formally from a reflective activity of reason. This reflective activity involves the whole man, and so it is conditioned psychologically by a necessity of being wide awake. Again, human knowledge has a twofold origin - an extrinsic origin in sensitive impressions, and an intrinsic origin in intellectual light in which virtually the whole of science is precontained. Hence the reflective activity whence judgment results is a return from the syntheses effected by developing insight to their sources in sense and in intellectual light.


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