Autor: Lonergan, Bernard J.F. Buch: Verbum: Word and Idea in Aquinas Titel: Verbum: Word and Idea in Aquinas Stichwort: Schlaf: Form außerhalb von Raum u. Zeit; Urteil immer in Zeit; Mathematik, Naturwissenschaft Kurzinhalt: quod quid est takes us outside time and space; but the act of compositio vel divisio: specification of time; Wahrheit immer im mind; nur in Gott ewige Wahrheit Textausschnitt: Knowledge of the quod quid est takes us outside time and space; but the act of compositio vel divisio involves a return to the concrete. In particular, whatever may be hymned about eternal truths, human judgments always involve a specification of time. Indeed, since truth exists only in a mind, and since only the mind of God is eternal, there can be but one eternal truth. |