Autor: Flanagan, Josef Buch: Quest for Self-Knowledge Titel: Quest for Self-Knowledge Stichwort: Weltordnung; Ausgangslage Kurzinhalt: Weltordnung als bedingte Serie rekursiver Schemen; Wichtigkeit der Anzahl ursprünglicher Wahrscheinlichkeiten; System rekursiver Schemen - Determinismus Textausschnitt: Thus, we see how later schemes in the series are conditioned by the earlier schemes, so that later schemes cannot emerge until earlier schemes have already emerged ...
() ... the basic design or ordering of our universe is a conditioned series of schemes that have emerged, are emerging, and will continue to emerge in accord with changing schedules of probabilities.
() If the events in our universe are not necessary, but only probable, then, the total number of possible initial events becomes critically important in order to ensure that later schemes of events will emerge. The later a scheme occurs in a series, the less probable will be its occurrence ... ____________________________