
Autor: Flanagan, Josef

Buch: Quest for Self-Knowledge

Titel: Quest for Self-Knowledge

Stichwort: Weltordnung; a priori, a posteriori; höherer Gesichtspunkt; allgemeine heuristische Struktur; Universum

Kurzinhalt: formales Schema einer Weltordnung; rekursives Schema; eine allgemeine heuristische Struktur - Integration aller heuristischer Schemen - öffnet das Verständnis für die Entfaltung des Universums

Textausschnitt: () ... the philosopher can anticipate that such schemes can be arranged into a world-order without determining what the specific schemes of this order will be. The contents have to be determined a posteriori.

() By combining classical, statistical, and genetic procedures for anticipating insights, you may set up a general heuristic structure that anticipates understanding the dynamic unfolding of the entire universe. The key notion for ordering this universe, then, is a 'conditioned series of schemes.'


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