
Autor: Voegelin, Eric

Buch: Israel and Revelation

Titel: Israel and Revelation

Stichwort: Israel, Ijob, Paulus: Stufen des Übergangs vom Mythos zum transzendenten Gott

Kurzinhalt: Rationlisierung des Mythos, A world that is empty of gods begins to cast its shadow over the mood of man; Paulus, Brief an Galater, Römer

Textausschnitt: Better than in the Babylonian sources themselves can stages in the struggle for rationalization be discerned in the traditions of Israel.
In search of his God, as the last verses show, Job moves to the four quarters like a Babylonian king or Chinese emperor, but the search in space no longer reveals a divine presence because the earth is no longer the analogue of the divine sky. A world that is empty of gods begins to cast its shadow over the mood of man ...


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