
Autor: Voegelin, Eric

Buch: Israel and Revelation

Titel: Israel and Revelation

Stichwort: Kosmische Symbolisierung: mythischer Ausdruck der Erfahrung d. Partizipation

Kurzinhalt: Cosmological symbolization: mythical expression of the participation, experienced as real, of the order of society in the divine being that also orders the cosmos

Textausschnitt: Cosmological symbolization is neither a theory nor an allegory. It is the mythical expression of the participation, experienced as real, of the order of society in the divine being that also orders the cosmos. To be sure, the cosmos and the political cosmion remain separate existences, but one stream of creative and ordering being flows through them so massively that, as we have seen, the god is the owner of a temple, while its priest and ruler is only its tenant farmer ... It is with justification, then, that one can speak of the Babylonian idea of a cosmos ordered as a state, and that cosmos and empire are in substance one entity.


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