
Autor: Lonergan, Bernard J.F.

Buch: Verbum: Word and Idea in Aquinas

Titel: Verbum: Word and Idea in Aquinas

Stichwort: phantasma; Unterschied zwischen Lernen und wissenschaftlicher Tätigkeit; Prozess von Sinneserfahrung, über Gedächtnis ...

Kurzinhalt: phantasm has to produce the act of insight whereas ... Prozess: Sinne, Gedächtnis, Erfahrung; Thomas: Erkennen des Universalen im Sinn; Intellect: nicht nur Erkennen des Universalen

Textausschnitt: The difference between invention or learning and use of science is that, in the first instance, phantasm has to produce the act of insight whereas, in subsequent instances, informed intellect guides the production of an appropriate phantasm; in other words, in the first instance we are at the mercy of fortune, the subconscious, or a teacher's skill, for the emergence of an appropriate phantasm; we are in a ferment of trying to grasp we know not what; but once we have understood, then we can operate on our own, marshaling images to a habitually known end.
Though theoretical science proceeds from principles known of themselves, yet these principles are obtained from sense, as explained in the second book of the Posterior Analytics. There the account is of a process from many sensations to a memory, from many memories to an element of experience, and from many elements of experience to grasp of a universal.
Aquinas, at least when commenting on Aristotle, could affirm the necessity of some knowledge of the universal in sense ... This position is impossible if one defines intellect as that which alone knows the universal; it is inevitable if by intellect one means the faculty which is subject of acts of intelligence, understanding, etc.


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