
Autor: Flanagan, Josef

Buch: Quest for Self-Knowledge

Titel: Quest for Self-Knowledge

Stichwort: Entwicklung; Deduktion; genetisch, klassisch, statistisch

Kurzinhalt: Genetic Heuristic Structures; Entwicklung als das Auftauchen einer höheren Stufe einer Integration; genetische Methode in Bezug auf die klassische und statistische

Textausschnitt: () Development, then, is an emergence of a new and higher integration that will include the prior integration but, more importantly, will provide you with a more complete and differentiated understanding than existed on the prior lower level.

() Just as classical method involves a notion of law in terms of functions, just as statistical method evolves a different type of law of frequencies, so genetic method evolves into a quite different type of law or normative intelligibility. A genetic law or a law of development is a law about changing systematic relations.


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