Autor: Lonergan, Bernard J.F. Buch: Understanding and Being Titel: Understanding and Being Stichwort: Leiden und Gerechtigkeit Gottes; Auferstehung Kurzinhalt: In the death and resurrection of Christ we have the tremendous symbol of Christianity that interprets for us the meaning of life Textausschnitt: In the death and resurrection of Christ we have the tremendous symbol of Christianity that interprets for us the meaning of life. The Christian knows that if the master has suffered, there is nothing incongruous in his own suffering; and he knows that as the master rose again, so the Father is able to transform, to make all things work unto the good. That understanding of the meaning of human life that is mediated to us through the death and resurrection of Christ, as through a symbol, an image, is something on which our intellectual and moral and spiritual lives can develop, and in their development see more and more of its profundity. And that is God's expression of himself to us. |