Autor: Lonergan, Bernard J.F. Buch: Understanding and Being Titel: Understanding and Being Stichwort: Das Problem der Sozialwissenschaften Kurzinhalt: Social Science; Unterschied zw. Der Erforschung eines Dinges oder Menschen; bei Ausschluss der Freiheit Rechtfertigung von Propaganda und psychologische konditionierung Textausschnitt: I think so. The problem is that where your object is an empirically, intelligently, rationally conscious subject that develops in his intelligence and reasonableness, you're dealing with an entity that, even from the viewpoint of your scientific method, has to be approached in a manner essentially different from the study of atoms or plants or animals. And it's only insofar as the human sciences will be willing to expect some philosophic commitments or, on the other hand, be masters of all possible philosophic commitments that they'll be able to think on a level that is truly human in their human sciences. |