Autor: Lonergan, Bernard J.F. Buch: Understanding and Being Titel: Understanding and Being Stichwort: Form und Akt; Erkennbarkeit der Form, Form als Kern, Wirkursache; Akt zu Form wie Urteil zu Begriff Kurzinhalt: Form is intelligible in itself. Contingent act, finite act, is not intelligible in itself. It is intelligible in the other; material essence is intelligible in itself because Textausschnitt: Form is intelligible in itself. Contingent act, finite act, is not intelligible in itself. It is intelligible in the other. Existence and events are contingent; they're what corresponds to the proper content of judgment. The proper content of judgment depends upon a virtually unconditioned. A virtually unconditioned is what in fact is unconditioned - in fact has its conditions fulfilled. There's a limitation on the intelligibility there, and for that reason you are led to postulate efficient causes to account for contingent existence and contingent events. |