
Autor: Lonergan, Bernard J.F.

Buch: Understanding and Being

Titel: Understanding and Being

Stichwort: Metaphysik, Kategorien, erklärendes Wissen

Kurzinhalt: Metaphysics and Explanatory Knowledge; Feuer - phlogiston

Textausschnitt: () We have three accounts of fire. How can those three accounts be of the same thing? Phlogiston is precisely not one of the four elements, and a chemical process is not any substance but just process. Where do we find the common point between the three successive theories, so that we may say that Aristotle's notion of fire was wrong?
... there is a fundamental difference between the notion of metaphysics we are presenting and what has become fairly common down a number of centuries in scholastic notions of metaphysics. In Aristotle, the predicaments are clearly distinguished; but that is a list of descriptive categories.


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