
Autor: Lonergan, Bernard J.F.

Buch: Understanding and Being

Titel: Understanding and Being

Stichwort: Metaphysik als alles über alles (konkret und allgemein); als Synthesis zw. Sorge und Sein Grundlage aller Wissenschaften

Kurzinhalt: Metaphysics as Synthesis; Sein als everything about everything, Beziehung zw. Metaphysik und anderen Wissensgebieten

Textausschnitt: () Being is completely universal: it includes everything. Being is completely concrete: it includes everything about everything. It is in terms of that notion of being that we developed a notion of metaphysics. Metaphysics is not a concern with the reality of the candlestick or the snuffbox; it is a concern with the universe as opposed to a world determined by a Sorge, by a concern. It is concerned with a synthesis.
First, metaphysics underlies all other departments, because all other departments are specializations of the total basic inquiry.
First, metaphysics underlies all other departments, because all other departments are specializations of the total basic inquiry.
Secondly, metaphysics penetrates all other departments.
Thirdly, metaphysics transforms the results of other departments.
While this tension, on the moral level, is familiar, it exists equally on the cognitional level. There is development not merely on the moral side of man, there is a more fundamental development on the cognitional side, in the transition from a world defined by Sorge to a world defined by the pure desire to know, and all the implications in that.
Finally, metaphysics unifies other departments.


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