Autor: Lonergan, Bernard J.F. Buch: Understanding and Being Titel: Understanding and Being Stichwort: Position - Gegenposition: desire to know - Erkennen als Schau (Kriterium Realität), Kurzinhalt: Positions and Counterpositions, Selbstwiderspruch, basic set - consequent set, Selbstaufhebung der Gegenposition; Entwicklung bei position - wechselnder Grund bei counterposition, Descartes, Hume Textausschnitt: () The totality of propositions can be divided into a basic set and a consequent set. The basic set, in the present approach, has to do with knowledge. What is it to know? What is objectivity? What is reality? ... In our philosophy the answer to these questions is determined by the subject as intelligently and rationally conscious, but in the opposed notions knowing is looking, objectivity is what can be seen, and reality is what's there. Besides the basic set, there is the consequent set of propositions, ... the meaning of consequent propositions changes with the meaning of the basic: with every basic meaning of knowing, objectivity, and reality, you give a meaning as well to all other propositions. |