
Autor: Lonergan, Bernard J.F.

Buch: Understanding and Being

Titel: Understanding and Being

Stichwort: Prozess der self-affirmation; Verifikation der bewussten Vorgänge

Kurzinhalt: Vorgang der Selbstaffirmation; Urteil über sich als eines Erkennenden, Einsehenden usw.,

Textausschnitt: 1.1 Verification of a Set of Events
But we do not see that the pressure is 64 when the volume is 1, and that the pressure is 32 when the volume is 2. Those are statements, judgments. What we can see, by taking a look, is a measuring rod set against the dimensions of the volume. Similarly ...
In the measure that one has achieved self-appropriation, one is capable of verifying in oneself that one is a unity-identity-whole that senses, perceives, imagines, inquires, understands, formulates, reflects, grasps the unconditioned, and judges. But there is a difference between verifying in the one case and verifying in the other. In the first case, one uses one's external senses, and one simply sees the position of the needle on a dial


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