
Autor: Lonergan, Bernard J.F.

Buch: Understanding and Being

Titel: Understanding and Being

Stichwort: Self-appropriation; Selbstaneignung; implizite Definition; Füllung einer relationalen Struktur

Kurzinhalt: Selbstaneignung als Inhalt einer Definition (postulational definition) eines Satzes von Ausdrücken, die durch Relationen bestimmt werden; die Affirmation setzt die hypothetische Struktur als Faktum

Textausschnitt: 71/5 What we have been doing is determining the knowing subject by implicit definitions; and the meaning of those implicit definitions is given a positive content by one's own self-appropriation, insofar as I am aware of myself as experiencing, inquiring intelligently, and judging rationally. The fulness of my self-appropriation is the measure of the meaning, the significance, that I can give to a merely postulational definition of that set of terms by their internal relations. In other words, self-appropriation is the experiential element that is expressed in the set of relations defined by this set of terms; and the judgment of self-affirmation, treated in chapter 11 of Insight, is the judgment relevant to self-appropriation. If you think of the knowing in this judgment 'I am a knower' as our knowing external objects, we must then add that this knowing, on all its levels, is something that enters into my presence to myself. In the first sense of presence, the chairs are present in the room. In the second sense, you are present to me. But in the third sense, I have to be present to myself for anyone to be present to me. In self-appropriation, it is this third presence with which we are concerned.
The whole set of definitions in these lectures could be only a relational structure. Self-appropriation gives it meaning, but as a hypothetical construct. Chapter 11 of Insight will add affirmation, will determine the hypothesis as fact, will make my presence to myself known.


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