
Autor: Lonergan, Bernard J.F.

Buch: Understanding and Being

Titel: Understanding and Being

Stichwort: Urteil, Verpflichtung, Gedächtnis, La Rochefoucauldm memory, judgement

Kurzinhalt: Urteil als persönlicher Akt; Ausdruck der eigenen Vernünftigkeit ohne jeden Zwang; Verantwortlichkeit für das Urteil; Judgment is something that is entirely yours;

Textausschnitt: () There is the person who understands, and there is the intellect by which, the act by which, he understands. And from that aspect, as related to the person, the judgment is a personal commitment. One of de La Rochefoucauld's witty remarks ... Memory is not completely under our control. But the judgment is a personal act, a personal commitment.
Judgment is something that is entirely yours; it is an element in personal commitment in an extremely pure state. Because it is so personal, so much an expression of one's own reasonableness apart from any constraint, because all alternatives are provided for, it is entirely one's own responsibility. Because it is entirely one's own responsibility, one does not complain about one's bad judgments; one is responsible for them.


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