
Autor: Lonergan, Bernard J.F.

Buch: Understanding and Being

Titel: Understanding and Being

Stichwort: Hilbert, Lonergan's Schema -> Relation, self-appropriation

Kurzinhalt: 4-fältige Struktur: the four terms are defined by their relations to one another; die Bedeutung dieser Relation erwächst im Maße der Selbstaneignung

Textausschnitt: () Insofar as you have no self-appropriation whatever, the four terms stand as do Hilbert's points and lines in their implicit definition. There is a purely relational structure; the four terms are defined by their relations to one another,
the definitions have to remain merely implicit if you have no self-appropriation at all. But in the measure that you have some degree of self-appropriation, the four terms take on a meaning from your experience of yourself;
These terms, then, have a fixed element - their mutual relations - and a variable element that increases with self-appropriation. So they are analogous - something fixed and something variable - and consequently they are open.


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