
Autor: Lonergan, Bernard J.F.

Buch: Understanding and Being

Titel: Understanding and Being

Stichwort: 'already out there now real'

Kurzinhalt: Lonergans Erklärung des already out

Textausschnitt: Because the consciousness is practical, and because practical consciousness is concerned with dealing with situations, and because the situation is already there to be dealt with, we have the 'already.' The consciousness is extroverted, its focus is 'out.' Because the consciousness is in a body, it is 'out there'; the body is always in one place, and 'there is what is 'out.' Consciousness has memories, and it has anticipations, but it is active in the 'now.' It can be deceived by appearances in a very momentary way perhaps; the kitten might be deceived by an extremely realistic picture of a saucer of milk, but then it would not be 'real' milk because, when the kitten tried it, it would not obtain the ordinary satisfactions it obtains when it tries a saucer of 'real' milk.


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