
Autor: Purcell, Brendan M.

Buch: The Drama of Humanity

Titel: The Drama of Humanity

Stichwort: Paläontologie, Daten, Evolution, Evolutionisten, Interpretation

Kurzinhalt: Gattung Mensch: fragwürdig, Kriterien d. Gattung: fragwürdig (aufrechter Gang, Werkzeug); Vorwurd d. Unwissenschaftlichkeit

Textausschnitt: () genus Homo, within which a series of species, from at least erectines, Neanderthals and early modern humans of our own species, Homo sapiens are classified. But when we examine the defining criteria used to fix membership of this genus Homo, and then of its various species, they appear dilletantic and haphazard.
The categories used as criteria for Homo membership were comparatively large brain-size, bipedalism and tool usage. Lewin notes ...
But if there is no theoretically grounded notion of man available, the question must be asked whether contemporary palaeontology is not radically unscientific in its use of the genus Homo.


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