Autor: Purcell, Brendan M. Buch: The Drama of Humanity Titel: The Drama of Humanity Stichwort: Evolution, Evlutionismus, Ideologie, Kontingenz, Notwendigkeit Kurzinhalt: Evolutionismus-Ideologie; Mensch,Pferd-Stadien: the false iconography; Chinesische Mauer: Frage: unendliche Reihe; Brüche in d. Reihe Textausschnitt: § 5 EVOLUTION AND EVOLUTIONISM
() I'd like to distinguish between evolution ... and evolutionism, which I would consider an ideological creed ...
Similarly, I would suggest, unlike the debate within biology regarding the adequacy or inadequacy of evolutionary theory, that evolutionism as an ideology was at best never more than a piece of speculative verbal magic.
In the history of modern scientism, as a reductionist ideology, the most flagrant attempt to suppress the questions of nature and existence, has been that of the evolutionists' version of an infinite series, expressed in the form of a 'theory' of gradual increments. Biology itself has to take for granted as its data, the fact that living things exist in the first place, and the multiplicity of genera and species. It is because they claim they are dealing adequately with questions lying on principle beyond the scope of the observational and verificational methods of palaeontology or biology that they end up doing a pseudo-science that is little more than dilletantic opining about the nature of existence. () The easiest way to illustrate this is to simply list the various breaks in the unbroken sequence. ____________________________