Autor: Purcell, Brendan M. Buch: The Drama of Humanity Titel: The Drama of Humanity Stichwort: Fundamentalismus, Szientismus, Komplementarität Kurzinhalt: Fallacy of Answering the Unasked Question; Ideologie: Philosophie, Bibel - Wissenschaft, Hawking, Textausschnitt: () If a believer, philosopher or natural scientist makes assertions which do not fall within their competence, we may speak of them as committing the Fallacy of Answering the Unasked Question-when they claim to answer a question that is neither raised nor answerable within their area of experience or discipline. Let's speak of the believer's version of that fallacy as fundamentalism, the philosopher's version as ideology, and the natural scientist's version of it can be entitled scientism. |