
Autor: Purcell, Brendan M.

Buch: The Drama of Humanity

Titel: The Drama of Humanity

Stichwort: Voegelin, Deninition, Humanität

Kurzinhalt: Voegelin, The Drama of Humanity, Humanität - Geschichte

Textausschnitt: () 'Humanity means then, man in a mode of understanding himself in his relation to God, world and society, and those modes change. And history then would be the drama, if a meaning in it can be found, of humanity, of this self-understanding of man.' (1967,p.12) Perhaps in these unedited remarks of Voegelin, we can trace the outline of an investigation of what is different throughout human history in terms of its drama, and of what is held in common by all the characters of that drama in terms of humanity.


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