
Autor: Liddy, Richard M.

Buch: Transforming Light

Titel: Transforming Light

Stichwort: Philosophie, Konversion, Sorge, Insight, Thomas

Kurzinhalt: spezielle philosophische Konversion, kleine Welt - Standard (wahres Urteil), homo sensibilibus immersus -> homo maxime est mens hominis

Textausschnitt: () ... two meanings of 'the real world.' On the one hand, it can mean the universe of being to be known by the totality of true judgments. On the other hand, it can mean 'one's own little world': 'In this sense each of us lives in a real world of his own. Its contents are determined by his Sorge, by his interests and concerns, by the orientation of his living, by the unconscious horizon that blocks from his view the rest of reality.' This horizon of 'one's own little world' plays a powerful role in shaping one's consciousness.
To each of us his own private real world is very real indeed. Spontaneously it lays claim to being the one real world, the standard, the criterion, the absolute, by which everything is judged, measured, evaluated. That claim, I should insist, is not to be admitted. There is one standard, one criterion, one absolute, and that is true judgment. Insofar as one's private real world does not meet that standard, it is some dubious product of animal faith and human error. On the other hand, insofar as one's private world is submitted constantly and sedulously to the corrections made by true judgment, necessarily it is brought into conformity with the universe of being.


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