
Autor: Hutchinson, Eliot Dole

Buch: A Study of interpersonal relations: new contributions to psychiatry

Titel: The Period of Frustration in Creative Endeavor

Stichwort: Genie; psychische Abnormalität; Heilung durch schöpferische Tätigkeit
künstlerisches Schaffen; Selbstzerstörung

Kurzinhalt: Ist das Genie schöpferisch, weil es neurotisch ist, oder ist es neurotisch, weil es nicht voll schöpferisch tätig sein kann?; Kretschmer; das psychische Gleichgewicht stellte sich ein durch die schöpferische Tätigkeit

Textausschnitt: () The essence of our question should be: is the man of genius a creator because he is a psychotic or neurotic or is he a neurotic because he cannot be fully a creator?

() ... balance is restored by the completion of the creative - expressive - cycle, not destroyed by it; and that balance is maintained until symptoms of frustration are again brought into existence by some newly shouldered responsibility.

() balance is restored by the completion of the creative - expressive - cycle, not destroyed by it; and that balance is maintained until symptoms of frustration are again brought into existence by some newly shouldered responsibility.


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