
Autor: Liddy, Richard M.

Buch: Transforming Light

Titel: Transforming Light

Stichwort: Metaphysik, Konversion, Position, Gegenposition, Potenz, Form, Akt

Kurzinhalt: position, counter-position (Descartes, Hobbes, Hume), Kriterien d. Position, Physik-Metaphysik, Insight: Zusammenfassung

Textausschnitt: () A basic position in metaphysics will be arrived at '1) if the real is the concrete universe of being and not a subdivision of the 'already out there now'; 2) if the subject becomes known when it affirms itself intelligently and reasonably and so is not known yet in any prior 'existential' state; and 3) if objectivity is conceived as a consequence of intelligent inquiry and critical reflection, and not as a property of vital anticipation, extroversion and satisfaction.' On the other hand, it will be a basic counter-position if it contradicts one or more of the basic positions:
... potency, form and act?' He answers simply: 'They express the structure in which one knows what proportionate being is; they outline the mould in which an understanding of proportionate being necessarily will flow; they arise from understanding and they regard proportionate being, not as understood, but only as to be understood.' There follows a very important corollary: 'If one wants to know just what forms are, the proper procedure is to give up metaphysics and turn to the sciences ...
... Thoroughly understand what it is to understand, and not only will you understand the broad lines of all there is to be understood but also you will possess a fixed base, an invariant pattern, opening upon all further developments of understanding.


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