
Autor: Liddy, Richard M.

Buch: Transforming Light

Titel: Transforming Light

Stichwort: Bewusstsein, Schauen, Introspektion, Ich

Kurzinhalt: Einheit von: Plato, Abstraktion, Thomas, Marechal, Kant; introspection, Bewusstsein: Selbstgegenwart auf verschiedenen Stufen

Textausschnitt: () What is meant by 'introspection'? Do we look into ourselves and intuit our inner being? To this, with more than a touch of irony, Lonergan replies: 'Hence, while some of our readers may possess the rather remarkable power of looking into themselves and intuiting things quite clearly and distinctly, we shall not base our case upon their success. For, after all, there may well exist other readers that, like the writer, find looking into themselves rather unrewarding.' As he says elsewhere: 'Thus if knowing is just looking, then knowing knowing will be looking at looking.'
On the contrary, human consciousness is not some kind of 'inner look.' It is, rather, our presence to ourselves on various levels that makes it possible to ask questions about our human knowing and deciding. ... 'To affirm consciousness is to affirm that cognitional process is not merely a procession of contents but also a succession of acts. It is to affirm that the acts differ radically from such unconscious acts as the metabolism of one's cells, the maintenance of one's organs, the multitudinous biological processes that one learns about through the study of contemporary medical science.'


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