
Autor: Liddy, Richard M.

Buch: Transforming Light

Titel: Transforming Light

Stichwort: Konverison, Konfrontationismus, Ursache, Mechanismus

Kurzinhalt: Schauen: Basis d. Konfrontationismus, Urteil als "Stempel", Identität - Dualismus, Mensch - Tier, Konfrontationismus - Irrtum

Textausschnitt: () The 'look' at the basis of confrontationism may be sensitive perception as in the various forms of empiricism, or some intellectual intuition that Kant sought for in vain and that naive realists dogmatically assert. It presupposes that human knowing is complete prior to judgment; judgment is merely affixing a rubber stamp on knowing as already complete. For confrontationism, knowledge is not primarily by identity between subject and object, a perfection in the subject, but dualistic: the object over against the subject.
The source of confrontationism is the fact that the human person is born an animal, and achieves animal integration spontaneously.
On the other hand, there is for the human person the possibility of another orientation: that is, toward the universe of being by means of the pure desire to know and radical intellectual conversion.


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