
Autor: Liddy, Richard M.

Buch: Transforming Light

Titel: Transforming Light

Stichwort: Konversion, Wissensstreben, Philosophie, Akt, Form, Potenz

Kurzinhalt: radikale Konversion, Anfagspunkt d. Philosophie, Relationen - Begriffe, Aristoteles vs. Leugner,

Textausschnitt: () ... 'the starting place of philosophy.' There he says that philosophy begins with the invitation to radical intellectual conversion. It takes any person where they are and invites them to advance toward whatever is intelligently grasped and reasonably affirmed. Philosophy cannot be based on the arbitrary decisions of each person; it must be scientific and, as such, based on a fundamental set of concepts and relations. Such a basic set of concepts and relations must be such that:
a) Relations fix concepts and concepts fix relations.
b) Relations are not free constructions as in mathematics but have experiential basis as in empirical sciences.
Between Act and Form. Act corresponds to the 'Yes' of judgment; it is what can be known only by the 'Yes.' Form corresponds to the intelligibility grasped and formulated by understanding.


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