
Autor: Liddy, Richard M.

Buch: Transforming Light

Titel: Transforming Light

Stichwort: Urteil, Meno, Thomas, Lonergan, Prinzipien, Gewissheit, Gott,

Kurzinhalt: Verstehen d. Urteils, Geist: quodammodo omnia, Möglichkeit - Intelligibilität; actus essendi, intellectus agens, Selbstgewissheit des Geistes, prima lux, potens omnia facere et fieri

Textausschnitt: () Again, both acts of understanding have their instrumental or material causes, but the direct act has this cause in the schematic image or phantasm, while the reflective act reviews not only imagination but also sense experience, and direct acts of understanding, and definitions, to find in all taken together the sufficient ground or evidence for a judgment. Hence, while the direct act of understanding generates in definition the expression of the intelligibility of a phantasm, the reflective act generates in judgment the expression of consciously possessed truth through which reality is both known and known to be known.
Just as the Platonic Socrates in the Meno asked how the young boy could recognize an answer as an answer, Aquinas saw in the very nature of human intelligence the response to that question. For since our spirits are quodammodo omnia, somehow open to all things, there is within us, in our very ability to question, the notion of being:
... the first operation of intellect regards quiddities, but the second, judgment, regards esse, the actus essendi ...
... the metaphysical principles of being, of unity, of identity and non-contradiction, etc., all flow from the conscious nature of our intelligence and reason. () the light of agent intellect is said to manifest first principles, to make them evident. In that light the whole of science virtually is ours from the very start. Just as conclusions are convincing because principles are convincing, so our intellectual light derives its efficacy from the prima lux which is God.
the potens omnia facere et fieri by which the human intellect is open to all of being. There is no intrinsic limit to our human questioning. (s) The native infinity of intellect as intellect is a datum of rational consciousnes. () Just as Thomist thought is an ontology of knowledge inasmuch as intellectual light is referred to its origin in uncreated Light, so too it is more than an embryonic epistemology inasmuch as intellectual light reflectively grasps its own nature and the commensuration of that nature to the universe of reality.


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