
Autor: Liddy, Richard M.

Buch: Transforming Light

Titel: Transforming Light

Stichwort: Konversion, Rahner, Lonergan, Methode, Fortschritt, Niedergang, Trost

Kurzinhalt: Method in Theology: intellektuelle, moralische, religiöse Konversion, Relation; Entfremdung; intell. K. -> wichtig für moralische K. (Krise); progress - decline, Plato, Aristoteles, der unbekannte Gott

Textausschnitt: () Moral conversion is the radical change in the criterion of one's decisions and choices from satisfactions to values. It involves the thrust of our human freedom toward authenticity. Finally, religious conversion is 'being grasped by an other-worldly love.' It is total and permanent self-surrender without conditions, qualifications, reservations.
In a world in which alienation and ideology reign, intellectual conversion is extremely important for the social and cultural effectiveness of moral conversion. () We have to learn to distinguish sharply between progress and decline, learn to encourage progress without putting a premium upon decline, learn to remove the tumor of the flight from understanding without destroying the organs of intelligence.'
Similarly, religious conversion goes beyond moral and intellectual conversion. In itself, it is an other-worldly falling in love that brings a joy that this world cannot give. At the same time it introduces a new orientation into intellectual and moral living. ... 'In no way are the fruits of intellectual and moral conversion negated or diminished. On the contrary, all human pursuit of the true and the good is included within and furthered by a cosmic context and purpose and, as well, there now accrues to man the power of love to enable him to accept the suffering involved in undoing the effects of decline.'
... people today do not know about the unknown god. You have to open up their minds, let them find out what their own minds are before they can begin to be open to thinking of anything beyond this world.
We go through all this rigmarole of science, common sense and all the rest of it to help people find out what they have underneath their skulls - only it isn't underneath. Anything else?


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