
Autor: Liddy, Richard M.

Buch: Transforming Light

Titel: Transforming Light

Stichwort: Substanz, Hume, Kant, Lonergan

Kurzinhalt: Substanz als Scheidepunkt zw. kritischer und dogmatischer Philosophie; "Abstraktion"

Textausschnitt: () Consequently, Lonergan goes on to say, 'the idea of substance has become the trial case, the 'experimentum crucis,' between the dogmatic and the critical schools.'
'For if understanding is ultimately apprehensive, then 'substance,' what lies beneath or stands beneath the appearances, must be had by apprehension: this is the scholastic position. On the critical theory, the substance is known by an immanent activity and so is not apprehended but merely understood to be there; clearly this corresponds exactly with our knowledge of substance: we do not know what it is - as we would if we ever apprehended it; all we know is that it is there.'


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