
Autor: Liddy, Richard M.

Buch: Transforming Light

Titel: Transforming Light

Stichwort: Augustinus, Lonergan, Zusammenfassung

Kurzinhalt: Kraft des transzendentalen Apriori; Sünde; Wissensstreben; Reste des Empirismus bei Augustin; Thomas - Augustinus,

Textausschnitt: () ... it is not difficult to see how they prepared the way for Bernard Lonergan's own intellectual conversion. There is Augustine's honest desire for the truth ...
There is the transcendental a priori of Truth - veritas - that enables us to come to know any truth.
Augustine had a profound sense of the moral and religious implications of the pure desire to know. He knew the destructive force of human desires and their deleterious effect on human imagination and, consequently, human thought. As the years went on he would come to a greater awareness of the 'reign of sin' that plunged human society into darkness and the absolute need for the liberating grace of Christ.


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