
Autor: Liddy, Richard M.

Buch: Transforming Light

Titel: Transforming Light

Stichwort: intelligere, Vernunft, Augustin, Thomas, Sonne, Lonergan

Kurzinhalt: Vernunft als: adspectus, ratiocinatio, intellectus; Thomas: intelligibile in actu est intellectus in actu; Wahrheit (truth) als Wort Gottes; Sonne - Gott; Christus als Wahrheit Gottes

Textausschnitt: ()
Ipsa autem visio, intellectus est ille qui in anima est, qui conficitur ex intelligente et eo quod intelligitur; ut in oculis videre quod dicitur, ex eo sensu constat atque sensibile, quorum detracto quolibet, videri nihil potest.
However, this vision itself is the understanding which is in the soul, brought forth by the one who understands and that which is understood: just as in the eyes, what is called 'seeing' consists of the sense itself and the thing sensed, either of which being withdrawn, nothing can be seen (SOL 1, 6, 13).
sensibile in actu est sensus in actu, et intelligibile in actu est intellectus in actu
This principle itself is opposed to the empiricist myth of the confrontation of the 'blooming buzzing confusion' of sense data over against the sensing organ. On the contrary, sensation already structures and patterns its object in the very act of sensing. Intellect is primarily one with its object prior to sorting out the complexities of objectivity and subjectivity.
... just as in this sun one may remark three certain things, namely, that it is, that it shines, and that it illumines, so also in that most hidden God whom you wish to know there are three things, namely, that He is, that He is known, and that He makes other things to be known
Concerning universals of which we can have knowledge, we do not listen to anyone speaking and making sounds outside ourselves. We listen to Truth which presides over our minds within us, though of course we may be bidden to listen by someone using words. Our real Teacher is he who is so listened to, who is said to dwell in the inner man, namely Christ, that is, the unchangeable power and eternal wisdom of God


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