
Autor: Liddy, Richard M.

Buch: Transforming Light

Titel: Transforming Light

Stichwort: Augustinus, Thomas, Lonergan, Dinge, Sinnenwelt, Geist, Konversion

Kurzinhalt: Augustinus, Thomas, Lonergan: Unermüdlichkeit der Konversion vom Sinnenwesen zum Geistwesen

Textausschnitt: () Now, for acquiring this self-knowledge, he needs a constant habit of withdrawing from things of the senses and of concentrating his thought within himself, and holding it there.
He is speaking of the importance of moving from 'our own little worlds' to the universe of being grasped by true judgment. This move requires a constant correction of our own private worlds. However, Lonergan notes, quoting Thomas Aquinas: 'I am inclined to believe [...] that this constant and sedulous correction does not occur without a specifically philosophic conversion from the homo sensibilibus immersus to homo maxime est mens hominis.


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